Робинзон на Луне 2009

Drama Romance

A failed suicide attempt leads a heartbroken man to live a life in the wilderness.

Alle Titel
  • KR: Kimssi pyoryugi Kimssi pyoryugi
  • AR: Náufrago en la luna Náufrago en la luna
  • FR: Des nouilles aux haricots noirs Des nouilles aux haricots noirs
  • DE: Verschollen in der City Verschollen in der City
  • DE: Verschollen in der City Verschollen in der City
  • GR: Navagos sto feggari Navagos sto feggari
  • HU: Számkivetett a Holdon Számkivetett a Holdon
  • IT: Castaway on the Moon Castaway on the Moon
  • JP: Kare to watashi no hyouryuu nikki Kare to watashi no hyouryuu nikki
  • RS: Kimovo ostrvo Kimovo ostrvo
  • US: Castaway on the Moon Castaway on the Moon
  • KR: Castaway on the Moon Castaway on the Moon
  • KR: Kim's Island Kim's Island
Release 14 May 2009
Links IMDb
